If you experience an issue with your parts, please let us know as soon as possible. To initiate a refund or remake, you’ll need to provide photos or a video that clearly shows the issue with your parts. Our quality department review team will then carefully review your complaint to determine if it is our cause.
If we find that the issue is our cause, we’ll work with you to find the best solution to resolve the problem. Depending on the situation, we may offer a remake of the parts to your exact specifications, provide a refund, or offer a discount on your next order.
Some occasions that may warrant a remake include unacceptable processing defects, failure to meet tolerance requirements, or incorrect material or finish. If the part is not machinable or the customer does not agree to a rework, a refund may be offered.
Occasions for rework:
Unacceptable processing defects
Fail to meet tolerance requirement
Incorrect material/finish
Occasions for a refund:
The part is not machinable
The customer does not agree to rework
Other reasons